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Useful Debate Vocabulary. Stating an opinion. •In our opinion •We (don't) think that •The way we see it •If you want our honest opinion. judge (both in and out of a nutshell), see Tournaments. LD – Lincoln-Douglas, a type of one-on-one value debate National Speech & Debate Association: Speech and debate GloSSary 1. baSIc toUrnaMent terMInoloGy ballot: the sheet of paper or online location where judges Setting up the debate does not require a dictionary definition of the words in the motion, and this should be avoided. Instead, the affirmative team should aim The second type is a Private Speech/Debate Coach. This type of coach is hired on by the student to teach them individually. JUDGE. The term Judge in This does not mean you get to decide what the debate should be about. Nor does it mean providing a dictionary definition of the words of the motion. The purpose plan debating, are embodied in the terms: Status Quo; Division of Ground; Presump- tion; and Fiat. 1. STATUS QUO. The Status Quo is a Latin term that, Formal debate vocabulary phrases from “Debate and. Discussion” by David Moser. Jolanta Pupstiene. Page 2. “I'm listening to the other side.”.
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